Is stock trading really this easy?


No, it is not as easy as it looks.
There are two things in stock market :-

Decision making (Experience)

Knowledge is gained by reading different books, articles, magazines, newspapers, internet or by meeting experts and taking their advice where as decision making is developed over time by your experience. Regularly watching markets, analyzing them and trying to make a decision of going long or short selling is the way to trade.

You need to have the guts to dive into the vast ocean called capital markets and when you try to earn more more more, you lose.
This is how you gain experience; by losing right!! Accepting losses is the most crucial part. Learn from your mistakes. Every trader has faced losses in his/her life. Many people think after losing that markets are not made for them or they can never be a successful trader. Remember , if there are traders who lose, there must be traders who win. It requires your unflinching patience and perseverance , courage to get up if you fall and a gigantic will which can even overcome the knottiest obstacle that comes your way. 
“ Heroes are not born, they are made.”
Earning money in markets is not as easy as it looks but it is not impossible too. It can be done. A phase of making profits 9/10 can be achieved by drastically minimizing the losses incurred.
If you make tough decisions now, you will definitely have a bright future ahead.
Not only see the pros of markets and go for quick big bucks as there is no strategy which will bring you profits every time. It is a slow process
“Slow and consistent profits is the key.”
