Everything I know about stock market today is from books,blogs,websites,work of famous traders and investors and true dedication to Warren Buffett-the God of Investing.
Stock Market is very,very similar to our own life.There are ups,downs,stability and of course some of our own imaginary stories involved. Some profitable/good moments or loss/bad moments.However life takes us,we go with the flow,at times hit hard rock,learn and again move on.
In stock market world,you either learn,make a mistake and give up OR you learn,make mistakes and again learn,apply and the cycle goes on.
I want to reflect on what I've learned about this intriguing market,hoping it will make me a better trader and provide some insights to novice traders too.
1)Do not be blind folded to news channels.
2)Internet is a vast place but mostly filled with darkness and the biggest contributor of anxiety-solution,use it to gain judicious information.
3)Follow the famous names in stock market to learn.This is another way to learn from mistakes.
4)Create your own strategies and scanning methodology,its the most successful guide you can own.
5)Do not make random stock picks.Value your money and do proper screening.
6)Your Watch list is your best friend in making your investment.Stick to it.
7)Increase your research area.Study a company's profile based on balance sheets,profit and loss statements.Do not judge it based on someone else's prediction.Remember that predictions can be your worst enemy.
8)The stocks that did not make it to social media,follow and dig information about them.You never know which stocks turn out to be the best investment.
9)Do not make decisions based on emotions.Trust your research and if you fail,learn and do not frown.
10)The best tip-Combine your technical and fundamental analysis knowledge but never compare them.
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