Who should You follow on QUORA???

                                            <br /></div> These 33 One-Sentence Quotes Will Blow Your Mind Every Time. Especially The 8th One.

'Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered,you will never grow'-Ronal E.Osborn

Today a school is just a place where you have to go compulsorily as a rule of studying and for being eligible for your future.Whatever knowledge today's generation acquire is not just limited to one facility like in OUR TIME.Books,Newspaper,TV,YouTube,Blogs and the list goes on.When I think of clearing my queries,Google has become a secondary option.My foremost preference is QUORA.

Quora has been for a while a magnificent learning and sharing platform that can also be considered as another piece of cake.There always will be a time when you have your doubts while trading and relying on a single source may or may not seem appealing.Every action that we bound to take while trading is completely based on what knowledge we have gathered.
I've always been a fan of writers who have a candor in their answers,especially while providing information about Stock Markets.
I say this without vagueness,the authors I have suggested below carry some great deal of awareness and there is no adulteration in their sharing.For a novice in Stock Market,their answers are a boon and worth reading.

1)Gopal Kavalireddi

                                                     Gopal Kavalireddi

'I felt privileged to be taught, and I wanted to share the same power of learning with others - not expecting anything in return or the consequences of my knowledge sharing.'

This is what he feels on being asked why he provides knowledge for free.His aim is to bring forth all his education & experience and collate them in the form of insights to share with others. Investing and financial planning is one such segment, where there is very less teaching and more spoon feeding that happens regularly.

2)Rayner Teo

                                                 Rayner Teo

'Trading is a business not a hobby.Get a proper trading education to understand what this business is all about.'
Rayner Teo,an independent trader and blogger at tradingwithrayner.com.He has only one goal down,to help you succeed as a trader.
Here's how..
Step 1: I share with you proven Forex trading strategies
Step 2: You apply it

3)Kirubakaran Rajendran

                                                    Kirubakaran Rajendran

'Running an algorithm based financial markets data analytic startup, that Makes your money      work for you.'
Founder of  squareoff.in

4)Tejas Khoday

                                                         Tejas Khoday

'At age 16, I was hooked to the stock markets when I accidentally stumbled upon it on television. Ever since, I have been a passionate creature of the markets; professional trading, investing & decoding the inside world of finance.'
Co-founder of FYERS

5)Abhiram Dapke
                                                     Abhiram Dapke

'I am a self-taught individual working for myself.I strongly believe that each and every trader has a different strategy to trade and he should devise his own strategy by KNOWLEDGE,EXPERIENCE AND DISCIPLINE.'
Founder of Abhi's Trading Academy

As quoted above,we ought to go beyond the limitations of what we already know to explore more and share more so that we can receive even more.And QUORA does exactly the same.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your following wings set now!!!

By Alisha Das
