The Warren Buffett Impact

What Warren Buffett taught the world?

Few Years back when I was in school, I recall it was the year 2008,I came across a name that didn’t strike me as important enough to know about. A simple school GK quiz and oddly enough I knew the answer to this question, ‘Who according to the Forbes Magazine is the richest man in the world?’ I said ‘Warren Buffett’. Well of course I learned the answer to that question.
I never knew 10 years later he will become such a remarkable person in my life whose principles I will be following, principles of one of my idols.

Humans are such a species who prefer learning from other people's mistakes rather than their own. When it comes to trading this thing just turns opposite. There is no time to extract and observe what other traders are into, atleast this is what the traders think.

There is big line between traders and investors but I never think that both are exclusive.

Investors are for the long run. When we think of Investors, the great name that strikes our prying mind is WARREN BUFFETT, the investor who turned millionaire at the age of 32, the Oracle of Omaha.

Apart from investing lessons, he has been a great source of motivation even for the population who care least about investment. To be frank, I have not grown up learning his lessons. It was only in this last one year that I started following him with true dedication.

I have always observed that we tend to develop affection with a person when we relate more to them. This is quite the case with him too. What I have felt over these growing up period is very much similar to what he believes in.

I am going to share with you all today what I call THE WARREN BUFFETT IMPACT!!!

1)Learning new things without caring for how old you are, for life is short and there is hell lot of things to do. Remember our mind is a blank canvas and we can draw on it whenever we want.

2)Building mature and healthy relationships and treating EVERY person around you well and politely.

3)Never cling on to your past. Your past is like an expired food product; the more you consume it the more dangerous the end result is. Whereas your future is an open ground, you can run, build your dreams, dig deep and create your own path.

4) Every person is born with his/her own taste. You cannot force yourself to like pizza just because your family or your friends or your colleagues eat it. You prefer a simple sandwich so of course you will go for your individual CHOICE. This is what is called to avoid HERD MENTALITY.

5) Be ambitious not greedy. Ambition will take you near the well, where you will have the opportunity to drink water; greed will drown you deep in the well from where there is point of no return.

End results matter no doubt; but the most crucial portion of achieving something in LIFE is what initiatives and methods we went undertook. We will be remembered for what we have achieved; but we will live with what we went through.

Such is the scenario with Stock Market.You will achieve your day to day or monthly or yearly outcome depending on how you dealt with the ups and downs of the market;how you raced with the bull and pushed the bear down.

