Definitely Intraday trading can give you higher returns within a short period of time however Intraday trading is highly risky.
Positional trading can produce moderate returns and the time span is also more.
Intraday trading is more of experience than knowledge. It requires a lot of things to be in place such as:
- A clear mindset.
- Fast Internet connection.
- No tension/worries.
- Already selected stocks in your Watch list before the market opens.
- Prior knowledge of all the news and stocks.
- A decided Strategy about when to enter and when to exit.
And all these things are really difficult to gather at a time which is why Intraday trading is highly risky but it can produce huge returns if done properly.
Positional trading involves moderate risk but also moderate profits. It requires patience and timely selection of the correct stock as well as prior knowledge and working of the charting patterns.
Stock market is more of a game of psychology than money. Stock market is driven by emotions of millions of people. Only trading psychology can help you survive in the markets otherwise the market has the potential to strip you completely leaving you in the lurch to rot.
So, I would suggest you to gain knowledge and experience prior to investing in stocks.
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